

Loft PlusOne West 7th Anniversary

『Gas the world〜世界初!? 屁の音の祭典〜』

START 18:00







スマートフォンなどのカメラで、屁の音を動画撮影して下さい。画像が気になる方はレンズを指等で塞ぐ等して屁の音を撮影して下さい。屁の動画は事前に撮り貯めてても、イベント時間リアルタイムで撮影しても構いません。撮った動画をイベント時間内のリアルタイムに、Gas the world ツィッターアカウントに投稿してあるツィートに、リプライ投稿して下さい。


イベント時間の、日本時間の5/4 18:00〜19:14の間の好きなタイミングで、
「Please reply the video of fart to this tweet!!」というツィートにリプライ投稿して下さい。
【Gas the world ツィッターアカウント】

Event Name: Gas the world

Event Date: May 4, 2021 (Japan Standard Time)

Venue opens at 5:00 p.m.
Event starts at 6:00 p.m.
Event ends at 7:14 p.m.

Event Location: LOFT PLUS ONE WEST

Cost: Attend in person for 2000 yen (which comes with a CD recording of the event) or watch our live stream online for 500 yen

During this 74-minute event, we’re going to have people from around the world send in videos capturing the sound of their farts to a Twitter account that we’ve set up just for this occasion. As the videos come in, we’ll be blasting the audio on our venue speakers to bring you a global, gas-powered collaboration in real time. A recording of the entire event will be sold in CD format and in digital format on the Bandcamp page of Mrs.triangle.

Lighting at the venue will consist of a single candle placed in front of some audio speakers. Let us stare together at the candle flame swaying back and forth amid the roaring vibrations produced by the broken wind blowing from the speakers, the pink noise of which will no doubt serve to soothe the senses.

The event will also be streamed online, with the video feed consisting of the swaying candle flame and the audio consisting of the farts. No one will be allowed to talk during the event, but we will have a single microphone set up for anyone in attendance to get up and let one rip.

Will your fart reverberate throughout the world?
Be a part of history and send us a video so that we can find out in real time!

How to Participate:
Using the camera on your smartphone or other device, take a video recording which captures the sound of your fart. If you wish, videos may be submitted with the lens completely covered to prevent any images from being captured. Videos can made beforehand or during the event itself. Send in your videos via Twitter by replying to the Gas the world tweet shown below. There is no limit set on the number of submissions. We will be playing the farts as they come in on speakers set roaringly loud to bring you a unique, wind-breaking experience in real time.

Send us your video any time between 6:00 and 7:14 p.m. (Japan Standard Time) on May 4, 2021.

Click the link below to go to the Gas the world Twitter account.

Submit your video by replying to the following tweet:

“Please reply the video of fart to this tweet!!”

[Gas the world Twitter Account]